Tuesday, November 11, 2008


completeCADsolution provides accurate paper to CAD conversion and 3d visualization services. We offer both fixed price basis and hourly basis services.

All drawings are precision redrafted by hand to create dimensionally accurate, layered, ready to use electronic CAD files. Our CAD services are targeted to provide you with sophisticated computer aided drafting services, as well as an economical solution to your architectural CAD drafting needs.

3d renderings and animations are created using accurate scaled models with photorealistic quality. Plans, elevations, sections and other relevant drawings supplied to us are preferred in CAD format to scanned drawings.

Our fixed price per sheet basis CAD drafting services are designed to position .we are the premier CAD drawing and CAD design solution for architectural, engineering, large-format GIS and archive drawings. All of our CAD services include redrafting your hardcopy documents to produce accurate CAD drawings. We are using almost all popular softwares to produce full-scaled, editable, layered CAD files, that meet rigid quality standards established by Our Studio

Almost all CAD conversion facilities in our industry work on an hourly basis pricing format. Due to the labour intensive nature of CAD Drafting services, there are certainly some very good advantages to this particular method of pricing.

Especially when working with a client in a 24 hour work cycle which helps them keep their office running virtually 24 hours a day. We receive work every morning, to be worked upon and uploaded back to the client in the evening. The project is then further carried ahead during their working hours and sent back to us at the end of their day. We maintain regular time sheets clearly defining the number of hours worked by each CAD operator on each project. This enables clients to keep account for everyday billable hours. and progress.

All the more all kind of redlined drawings, additions to plans etc work better with hourly pricing than fixed price per sheet basis.

Comprehensive price quotes for complete projects can be requested from our side before the start up of a project.

Our Basic Service focuses on the conversion of your existing hardcopy archival documents into electronic CAD files. The hardcopy documents are 100% manually drafted into CAD to match the original sheets exactly. You may also choose to mark-out any unnecessary information on the sheets to be omitted during the CAD drafting process. All CAD files are drafted at full-scale, dimensionally accurate, with CAD layering and 100% line connections.

Our Custom Service is geared toward your unique in-house CAD document handling and retrieval requirements. For example, you may have already established a standardized layering system, title block, fonts and document retrieval methodology. Simply provide with your standards and we will implement them into your projects.

Our Construction Documents Service gives your designers an opportunity to outsource their construction document production. Designers simply submit their freehand sketches, mock-ups, cut and paste sheets, design development sketches, along with unique text styles, title blocks and fonts to construction document production.

Add Ons :

The add ons can be coupled with any of the four fixed price services to add more flexibility in terms of customizing drawings to your specific needs. Following is the brief description of these add ons.

Edge-Matching (sheet tiling):
Tiled sheets are edge-matched to develop a single, contiguous drawing.

Combine Sheets:
Sheets of the same area or floor are combined or overlaid into a single document.

Red-Line Updates (5-Day Turnaround):
Documents which have been redlined or marked-up will be updated to reflect such redlined changes to produce final as-built or construction document drawings. Plot CAD files originally created and add necessary redline changes.

Reference Sheets:
In cases when the original documents submitted for conversion contain insufficient information, additional sheets can be cross-referenced (such as dimensions) to develop a complete CAD document.

Unclear/Reduced Originals:
Due to age, handling, and reproduction, original documents can become difficult to read. In such cases, typically the line work, text, drawing entities may be light in color or reduced in size. An extra fee is assessed to compensate for the additional time needed to properly interpret the data during the CAD conversion process.


We guarantees the pricing and turnaround based on sheet size, irrespective of sheet content.

Majority of our competitors in the CAD conversion industry would require seeing the drawings before provide you a price quote. This actually slows down the whole process from the beginning and takes your time away from other projects. Our fixed rate pricing allows you to send us your orders immediately, without the need for a quote and enables you to prepare a budget beforehand. For bulk orders, please contact us for special pricing that may apply to your project.

We can convert any imaginable document types including architectural drawings, Archive drawings, Landscape drawings, Interior detail drawings Construction Documents etc.

For sheets greater than (30" x 42") the cost per sheet is proportionally increased. Additional USD 10.00 is charged for every 10% increase in the sheet size area. Eg: for a 36” X 52” sheet size. The oversized area would be calculated as:

[{(36” x 52”) – (30” x 42”)} / (30” x 42”)] X 100 = 48% oversized sheet.

Since the oversized area is 48% of a 30” x 42” sheet therefore we would be charging USD 40.00 in addition to the base price.

How can I benefit from working with you?
We are experienced architectural studio that has been producing high-caliber work on competitive budgets. Using a robust offshore servicing model, Tang is able to deliver a clear price advantage to its clients while keeping the quality factor in sharp focus. In essence, what we offer is the right job at a price that agrees with your bottomline.

What services does we provide?
Empowered by best-of-breed hardware & software, we provides a spectrum of architectural solutions that include Architectural Designing, Structural Detailing, Mechanical Parts / Assembly, Fabrication Drawings and 3D Modelling.

Is it possible for us to experiment and try out your offshore programming services ?
Yes. we encourage clients to undertake a pilot or a test project that gives them an idea of our level of services. We offer this facility free of cost.

How does your offshore development process work?
Our outsourcing process can be broken down into 5 steps.
1. Clients send inputs via Email, Fax or Courier along with scope of the project and also a reference sample.
2. We follow instructions and send you progress drawings as .dwg files via Email for your perusal and comments.
3. The said progress drawing may be plotted by you and thereafter-necessary mark-ups/ with engineer comments may duly be recorded.
4. The said mark-up drawings/ comments can be either be faxed or e-mailed after scanning. Scanning can also be arranged by us near your place through our tie-up with 400 Blue print shops.
5. We then do the final correction as per the comments and then re-check before e-mailing the drawings to you for final use.

How can payment be made?
Payment can be made in US Dollar, Pound Sterling or any currency by draft issued to our bankers. The payment modalities can be monthly or on a project basis, or as agreed upon mutually after an analysis of the project.

What do you need from me to create a proposal?
You don't need to prepare anything before asking for a proposal - just email your basic requirements and we will determine what is needed from you . We will then help you prepare a detailed functional requirement document and scope of the project. A clear line of communication with your team members will aid in hastening this process.

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